Welcome to my website. You’ll find descriptions of my upcoming books as well as some freebies for your reading enjoyment. Check me out on Facebook or send me an email to let me know what you think of what you find here.

Welcome to my website. You’ll find descriptions of my upcoming books as well as some freebies for your reading enjoyment. Check me out on Facebook or send me an email to let me know what you think of what you find here.
When I attended graduate school, I was fortunate enough to rent a small, affordable, cabin along a river. The abode was rudimentary at best, though functional. It sat on a hill on the corner or two roads and had no yard to speak of. On most accounts it was dreary and undesirable, except for two features. The wrap-around porch being …
Have you ever taken a risk? Faced something you’re afraid of? We all have, though some more than others. And whether it’s going skydiving or talking to someone you don’t know, it takes courage. I know when I steel myself and face those fears by taking a risk, I feel invincible, like I could take on the world. I am …
I find myself on uncomfortable ground. While I take the risk of sharing my fictional tales, which is a vulnerable undertaking, I am not one to share my personal, real-life events. We are, as a family, private. Still, there are many of you would perhaps like to know what we have been going through.
Some of you may have noticed I haven’t been posting the last few weeks. This time of year is the busiest time for my real world job. I had great intentions – writing chapters well ahead of what has been published as well as choosing who would be the featured authors to get me through. But, as happens more times …
Happy New Year! Did you know that thousands of years ago, mid-autumn (or Summer’s End) was the time of the original New Year’s Eve? That’s right, the first calendars were based on the cycles of the moon, not the sun, as are calendars of today. There were thirteen twenty-eight-day months. The full moon of the thirteenth month fell around the …
Under a blanket of stars and bundled in coats and hats to protect us from the chill, we celebrate in an open field. Notes of hay and horses mingle with the scent of wood smoke from the fire. Laughter rises on the breeze in the night along with our congenial chatter. Finally, it’s time to walk, one by one, around …
As I finished the last pages of The Fiery Cross, Diana Gabaldon’s fifth book in the Outlander series, in preparation for the fifth season of the television series based on Gabaldon’s novels, I feel a sense of longing. After all, the series won’t return until February! What am I to do? Thankfully, I picked up The Comyn’s Curse by M. …
As a writer, I fancy myself as an artist. I have come to know many writers over recent years and each has their own reasons for putting words on the page. Some to encourage change, others to entertain but most of us who write are hoping our work evokes emotion and touches the lives of our readers in some way, …
Hello Story Lovers! The first of week of every month, I’ll be featuring another budding author. So, if you’re an author or you know an author that might like to have their work featured on my “Author News” monthly blog post, please tell me about it in the comments section below or email me at selaughter@selaughter.com. If you were hoping …